Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jaymies family visits, Oregon & Whistler July 2008

We traveled to oregon and made a stop at cannon beach, the weather was cold and rainy but it was really pretty. Oh the is the famous haystack rock from the goonies movie.
Here is Jaymie and her mom in fron of a huge water fall outside of Squamish BC.
This is us relaxing out on a rock in the river.
This is me free climbing. JK this guy was way up the side of the mountain. Crazy.
One more shot of a nice river. BC is one of the prettiest places i have ever seen.
Here is the Tillamook Cheese Factory in Oregon. We got free samples. :)
I found a star fish on cannon beach while walking in the water.
Here is Jaymies mom in the rear and dad in the front getting ready to roll out.
Just a really pretty river in Whistler.
Here is the view from the top of the mountain of Whistler village. We rode the ATVs all the way to the top.
We also saw an awesome 4th fireworks display.
This was the place that we stayed in in Whistler BC, Canada. It was very pimp!
We also rode 4-wheelers up the mountain. Pricey but worth it.


The Sabatini Family said...

I'm jealous! I love Oregon. Did you get squeeky cheese at the Tillamook Cheese Factory? I haven't been there since I was a little girl. It looks like you guys had fun. Take care! ~Bonnie

Jami said...

It looks beautiful. Patrick wants to know if you had any cheese curds. We got hooked on them at Central Market.

Regina said...

ummmmm. Do ya'll ever work?

Jana said...

Super pretty!

Jalei & Lane said...

That sounds like a lot of fun. Your fireworks looked a lot better than ours!How far is it to Whistler from your place?

The Riv's Ride said...

I love Whistler! YOu two sure get around!!